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Chakra Balancing Bodywork

1 h 15 min
130 US dollars

Service Description

Life flows from within outward, and from above downward. Disease is not an entity nor fixed thing; it is nothing but a blockade of the currents of life in their flow. - R. Stone This bodywork session is an ether balance. Ether is the element of unconditional love, it is a reservoir of energy from which everything else flows. The ether element is in the central core of our existence, running from head to toe and in all of the joints. During this treatment, each of the 7 main chakras are addressed with the intention to release stuck energy, emotions, trauma, or muscular imbalances. Starting at the root and traveling proximally, each chakra is treated by first massaging its corresponding body region to stir up the nearby energy, then the chakra itself is intuitively spun to shed stuck adhesions. These adhesions may be the source of corresponding physiological issues, or intra and interpersonal relationship challenges. The 7 Chakras: Root: When this chakra is out of balance, a person starts feeling unstable, ungrounded, lack of ambition, lack of purpose, fearful, insecure and frustrated. Sacral: When the Sacral Chakra is imbalanced, a person may feel emotionally explosive and irritable, sense a lack of energy and creativity, feel manipulative, or obsessed with sexual thoughts. Solar Plexus: An imbalance of the Solar Plexus Chakra can manifest physically as digestive problems, liver problems, or diabetes. On an emotional level, one might struggle with depression, lack of self-esteem, anger, and perfectionism. Heart: When the heart chakra is imbalanced, a person may deal with emotional issues like anger, lack of trust, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness. Throat: A blockage in the throat chakra may be experienced as timidity, quietness, a feeling of weakness, or the inability to express our thoughts. Third Eye: When imbalanced, it may make you feel non-assertive and afraid of success, or on the contrary, it can make you more egotistical. An imbalance can manifest as physical problems like headaches, blurry vision, and eye strain. Crown: When it gets imbalanced, one might suffer from a constant sense of frustration, melancholy and destructive feelings. Receiving this treatment may simply feel like a relaxing massage, but more than likely will hold space for emotions to arise and be released. Aligning your chakras can help you tune into your true self and unlock the divine power within.

Cancellation Policy

Please contact me at least 12 hours prior to our scheduled appointment if you need to reschedule or cancel

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